Friday, July 21, 2006

Camouflaged Insanity

I was listening to a lecture (Ek Ong Kaar) by Shri Singh Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa 'Yogi Ji'. In his lecture he used the words 'Camouflaged Insanity' to describe a certain point he was getting across to the congregation. I got hooked on this 'phrase' instantly, what I mean is that the words started bouncing around in my head. My mode of thought recently has been pretty geared towards thinking about how society is gripped by 'MYA' (materialism) all the way from a young child to multinational corporations. Young kids these day's seem to be wearing expensive branded shoes and clothes etc, including my own 2!!! I suppose a large part of it is down to the parents and their ideals. Multinationals seem to be going against all moral values in order to succeed and even in some cases even just to survive. Anyway enough ranting on.... I decide to have a dig at society at how almost insanity is just absorbed into eveyday life. I got this really crazy picture of a website (source unknown) and decide to add it to my few lines of twisted reality, enjoy!

Camouflaged Insanity

Insanity rules our senses
Insanity rules the mind,
Insanity rules the soul,
Insanity rules the world!

To kill and eat animals is ok,
But we set up trusts to protect them?
Insanity rules our senses!

To poison our lungs is a way to relax – smoking,
To pollute the world with toxins is ok - no joking,
Insanity rules our mind!

Too busy to visit the house of god.
Plenty of time to hang out with mates.
Insanity rules our soul!

We chop trees, the primary provider.
Materialism rids the protecting ozone layer.
Insanity rules the world!

Camouflaged insanity is all around us - help……anyone???


DP said...

Certainly one of the best postings I've read on this subject! Will be visiting your blog regularly from now... hope to gain more inspiration.

Stumbled on your blog by accident? I doubt. It was fated to happen... :)


Harvinderpal Singh said...

Many thanks DP for you kind comments.

There will be some very powerful postings coming very soon! I am in the process of putting them together at this moment. They have certainly inspired myself and others. Ihope you re-visit and enjoy them. SW.

Anonymous said...

This poem brings so much truth about our society as a whole.
I caught a glimpse of a show on T.V.while channel surfing; This Rich couple hired a contractor, as well as a high society interior designer to build a dog house for their dog. The doghouse was cottage size, with heat and central air through out, plus all the latest designer things for this four-legged creature.
A wave of sadness and pity filled my heart for the human species. There are children all around the globe dying of starvation and poor living conditions; Yet this couple thought nothing of building this castle for a dog, that to me is camouflaged Insanity. hugs Angel...